Join our Nofio Swim Academy from home
Torfaen Leisure Trust's Nofio Swim Academy offers swimming lessons for children aged 4 months and up. Watch your child progress with our viewing weeks.
No more waiting lists! Join our swimming lessons, move classes, and track progress easily through our Home Joining Portal.
finding the perfect Swim Class
We have created this simple guide to help you determine the best swimming class for your child. By assessing their current abilities, you can ensure they are placed in a class that is both challenging and enjoyable.

Gwersi i Blant O dan 5 oed
Gellir cyflwyno plant i'r pwll pan fyddant tua 4 mis oed, ond cyn yr oedran hwn rydym yn argymell eich bod yn canolbwyntio ar fwynhau amser bath gyda'ch plentyn, gyda theganau a gweithgareddau difyr.
Dyfarniadau Nofio
Build water confidence, skills and aquatic ability through our Swimming Academy.
Dyma’r nodau ar gyfer pob sesiwn Nofio, i helpu’ch plentyn i wybod beth yn union y mae’n gweithio tuag ato i fynd ymlaen i’r cam nesaf.
Canlyniadau Nofio Un
- Enter and exit the water safely without assistance
- Float on the front, with aids if needed, and move to an upright position in the water
- Float on the back, with aids if needed, and move to an upright position in the water
- Scoop and splash water onto the face and demonstrate confidence when water is showered over the head without goggles
- On the front with face in the water or on your back, push off from the wall and hold a glide position, with aids if needed
- Swim Backstroke or back paddle for 5 metres, with aids if needed
- Participate in a discussion about the pool and lesson rules
- Cymryd rhan mewn gêm ddyfrol dan arweiniad athro
- Demonstrate a sculling action in a vertical position, with aids if needed
- Swim Frontcrawl or front paddle for 5 metres, with aids if needed
- Attempt Breaststroke or Butterfly for 5 metres, with aids if needed. A simultaneous paddle is acceptable
Canlyniadau Nofio Dau
- Swim 2-3 metres Breaststroke without assistance
- Participate in a discussion and answer questions about water safety
- Gwthiwch a gleidio o'r wal, breichiau wedi'u hymestyn gyda wyneb yn y dŵr
- Gwthio a gleidio ar y cefn gyda breichiau wedi'u hymestyn
- Swim 5 metres Frontcrawl without assistance
- Without goggles safely jump into the water and exit unassisted. Minimum depth 1 metre
- Whilst kicking with equipment, blow bubbles with face in the water 4 times
- Swim 2-3 metres Butterfly without assistance
- Swim 5 metres Backstroke without assistance
- From a float on the back, rotate to a float on the front and regain a vertical position
- Float on the back unassisted and regain a vertical position
- Demonstrate a head first sculling action on the back for 5 metres, with aids if needed
Canlyniadau Nofio Tri
- Without goggles safely jump into water of a minimum depth of 1 metre, tread water for 15 seconds and exit the water without using the steps
- Swim 10 metres Frontcrawl attempting to breathe to the side
- Swim 10 metres Backstroke with a continuous over water arm action
- Push from the wall on the front in a streamlined position, hold position for 5 seconds, perform a longitudinal rotation onto the back and hold for 5 seconds
- Demonstrate a feet first sculling action on the back for 5 metres, with aids if needed
- Nofio 5 metr Trawiad ar y Fron
- Nofio 5 metr Pili-pala
- Fully submerge to collect an object from the pool floor
- Correctly identify the 4 key water safety messages and beach flags
- Perform a push and glide from the wall on the front, swim 5 metres, tuck and rotate onto the back and swim to the wall
- Arddangos 3 siâp arnofiol (seren, tuck, log)
Nofio Pedwar Canlyniad
- Swim 10 metres Frontcrawl
- Demonstrate 10 metres Backstroke kick in a streamlined position
- Swim 10 metres Breaststroke or Butterfly
- Demonstrate 10 metres Butterfly kick on the front
- Swim 8-10 metres Butterfly
- Demonstrate the HELP position
- Demonstrate 10 metres Breaststroke kick on the front
- Demonstrate 10 metres Frontcrawl kick in a streamlined position
- Correctly identify the 4 key water safety messages and beach flags
- In a team, demonstrate a series of skills including 5 different skills, such as sculling, rotation, floating and treading water
- Swim 10 metres Backstroke
- Swim 10 metres choice of stroke optional with clothes on
Canlyniadau Pwmp Nofio
- Without goggles, demonstrate 3 different shaped jumps, min 1.5 metre depth
- Swim 15 metres Frontcrawl
- Swim 15 metres Backstroke
- Swim 10 metres Breaststroke
- Swim 10 metres Butterfly
- Nofio 25 metr unrhyw strôc
- Demonstrate a series of sculling movements for 30 seconds
- Without goggles, demonstrate an action for attracting help/attention whilst treading water
- Demonstrate a forward somersault in the water
- Perform a handstand for 5 seconds in the water
- Swim 15 metres, choice of stroke optional, with clothes on
- Correctly identify the 4 key water safety messages and beach flags
Canlyniadau Nofio Chwech
- Demonstrate an underwater push and glide, with 3 dolphin kicks into 20 metres Frontcrawl
- Demonstrate an underwater push and glide, with 3 dolphin kicks into 20 metres Backstroke
- Swim 15 metres breaststroke including rhythmical breathing
- Swim 15 metres butterfly including rhythmical breathing
- Swim 50 metres: 25 metres Backstroke/Frontcrawl and 25 metres Breaststroke/Butterfly
- In a team, pass and catch a ball whilst treading water (without goggles)
- Demonstrate an effective throwing rescue from a distance of 5 metres and instruct a partner to kick to the pool edge
- Perform a sitting dive, minimum depth 1.5 metres
- Demonstrate a backwards somersault
- Swim 25 metres with clothes on
- Without goggles, tread water for 30 seconds whilst demonstrating an action for getting help and then move into the HUDDLE position with a partner or small group
- Correctly identify the 4 key water safety messages and beach flags
Canlyniadau Nofio Saith
- Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 25 metres Frontcrawl
- Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 25 metres Backstroke
- Using the correct start, swim 25 metres Breaststroke including rhythmical breathing
- Using the correct start, swim 25 metres butterfly including rhythmical breathing
- Swim 100 metres Individual Medley continuous swim, 25 metres of each stroke in the following order Butterfly/Backstroke/Breaststroke/ Frontcrawl
- Swim 200 metres using at least 3 different strokes
- Perform a plunge dive minimum of 1.8 metre
- Tread water using egg beater leg kick for 30 seconds, whilst passing and catching a ball
- Swim 25 metres through an obstacle course but has a minimum of 4 challenges
- In a small group demonstrate a series of skills, including sculling, rotation, floating and treading water for a minimum of 45 seconds.
- Take part in a relay race
- Correctly identify the 4 key water safety messages and beach flags
Nofio Wyth Canlyniadau
- Using a buoyancy aid hold the HELP position for 2 minutes
- Swim 50 metres with clothes on
- Demonstrate a plunge dive with 3 dolphin kicks into 50 meters Frontcrawl
- Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 50 meters Backstroke
- Demonstrate a plunge dive into 25 metres Breaststroke
- Demonstrate a plunge dive with 3 dolphin kicks into 25 metres Butterfly
- Pass a ball accurately with a partner using 1 hand to throw and 2 hands to catch over a 2 metre distance
- Back layout sculling for support hold for 3 seconds
- Stay vertical and static for 20 seconds using sculling hands and egg beater kick
- Swim 5 metres on the front, surface dive and perform 3 Breaststrokes underwater
- Demonstrate a tuck float to a stretch position
- Demonstrate a push and glide on the front to a surface dive
- Correctly identify the 4 key safety water safety messages and beach flags
Llwybr Ymadael
Ar gyfer y nofwyr hynny sydd wedi symud ymlaen trwy'r Academi Nofio mae yna lwybrau datblygu pellach ar gael gan gynnwys;
- Achub Bywyd i Rai Newydd
- Acwateg Amrywiol
- FitSwim
Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r Clybiau Nofio sy'n bartneriaid i ni i sicrhau bod llwybr trwodd i nofio elitaidd, gan gynnwys Llwybr Nofio i'r Anabl.
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cynnal sesiwn Cyswllt Clwb AM DDIM lle bydd plant sydd ar ben pellaf yr Academi Nofio yn cael y cyfle i drefnu sesiwn AM DDIM gyda’r Clwb.
I'r bobl ifanc hynny sydd â diddordeb mewn llwybr datblygu mwy cystadleuol, cysylltwch â'n Clybiau:
Dolffiniaid Torfaen
Dyfrgwn Cwmbrân
Gwent Dolphins

Gweler ein Hamodau a Thelerau ar gyfer taliadau debyd uniongyrchol am ein gwersi nofio:
Swimming with TLT
Improve your health and have fun at Torfaen Leisure Trust. Our pools offer a range of activities for all ages and abilities, including swimming lessons, aqua fitness classes, and open swimming.
Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o sesiynau Nofio Cyhoeddus Rhad Ac Am Ddim i Blant dan 17 a Theuluoedd yn Stadiwm Cwmbrân, Canolfan Byw Egnïol Pont-y-pŵl a Chanolfan Hamdden Fairwater.
Rydym hefyd yn cynnig sesiynau nofio am ddim i bobl dros 60 oed yn ein sesiynau Nofio Ysgafn ac mae ein dosbarthiadau Erobeg Dŵr hefyd AM DDIM i bobl dros 60 oed.