Mae eich taith llesiant yn dechrau yma

Mae ein cynigion Aelodaeth yn dechrau o 11 oed i fyny.

Sign up today:

OPSIYNAU AELODAETH Ymddiriedolaeth Hamdden Torfaen

Rydym yn cynnig y mathau canlynol o aelodaeth. Dewiswch yr un sy'n iawn i chi.

Yr Aelodaeth Orau

Trwy Ddebyd Uniongyrchol

 Prisiau aelodaeth:

£10 start-up fee payable at point of sale

 Buddion i aelodau:

  • Mynediad i dair canolfan YHT
  • Mynediad i'r Gampfa Aml-gyfarpar
  • Mynediad i bob Dosbarth Ffitrwydd
  • Health Suite Access
  • Nofio Cyhoeddus Digyfyng
  • 8 Day Advance Booking
  • 50% off Racquet Sports

Sign up today:



Pay up front for 12 months and get two months FREE!

£10 start up fee payable at point of sale

 Pris aelodaeth:

Buddion i aelodau:

  • Mynediad i dair canolfan YHT
  • Mynediad i'r Gampfa Aml-gyfarpar
  • Mynediad i bob Dosbarth Ffitrwydd
  • Aquatic Fitness Classes
  • Nofio Cyhoeddus Digyfyng
  • 8 Day Advance Booking
  • 50% off Racquet Sports


 Prisiau aelodaeth:

 Buddion i aelodau:

  • Mynediad i dair canolfan YHT
  • Mynediad i'r Gampfa Aml-gyfarpar
  • Mynediad i bob Dosbarth Ffitrwydd
  • Nofio Cyhoeddus Digyfyng
  • 7 Day Advance Booking

Junior Membership

Our Junior Membership is suitable for 11-16 years and is a great offer for active teenagers who want to develop and strive towards their fitness goals. 

Byddant yn cael mynediad digyfyng i’n cyfleusterau ffitrwydd yn Stadiwm Cwmbrân a Chanolfan Byw Egnïol Pont-y-pŵl.

Gall oedolion ifanc hyfforddi yn y Gampfa heb riant ond mae yna gyfyngiadau ar ddefnyddio offer:

  • Gall plant 11-13 oed ddefnyddio peiriannau cardiofasgwlaidd a gwneud ymarferion pwysau'r corff yn unig
  • 14-15 year olds are allowed to use the resistance machines and access to selected Group Exercise classes
  • 16 years + have no restrictions with the equipment and can access all Group Exercise classes.

The card also includes access to Public Swims and the Running Track.

The Induction is included in the price of the card, and a parent/guardian will need to attend.

Talu wrth FYND

Gallwch gymryd rhan yn ein holl weithgareddau a thalu wrth fynd. Dyma'r prisiau:

Y Gampfa



Snowsport Torfaen Membership

Experience the thrill of Snowsport Torfaen with our flexible membership options.

Pay monthly up to 31ain May 2024 commencing from date of first payment.


  1. Free Open Practice any time as advertised – adults and children.
  2. Free Getting Ready to Race – children.
  3. Free After School skiing sessions – children.
  4. Free Adult Racing – adult.

For information on session times, programme descriptions, and pricing, please click here.

For membership purchase, click on the button below:

To sign up to one of our Memberships, complete the form below, call our Team or pop into your nearest centre.
01633 627100

Gweler yr Health Commitment StatementAmodau a Thelerau for our memberships.

Please note that all Memberships are non-refundable.

Darllenwch yr adolygiadau diweddaraf

yng Ngeiriau ein Haelodau